Watch what you eat, mum: Hong Kong women risk their health eating too much salt, too little fibre while pregnant
- Chinese University study shows one in five pregnant women develop gestational diabetes linked to diet
- Hurried meals of processed, instant food are possible reasons for pregnant women’s high salt intake

Many pregnant women in Hong Kong are eating too much salt and for some, this can lead to gestational diabetes, a Chinese University (CUHK) study has found.
Professor Ronald Ma Ching-wan, the university’s head of endocrinology and diabetes, said the women’s hectic lifestyles might be to blame.
“They may be resorting to instant or processed food, such as ramen, sausages or instant soup, to save time,” he said.
“A high level of sodium is often hidden in many condiments and processed food, and we assume that the excessive sodium intake of the respondents was likely associated with their frequent consumption of these foods and their tendency to eat out.”

He said one in five pregnant women in Hong Kong developed gestational diabetes, which refers to a high blood sugar level that develops during pregnancy.