Hong Kong teachers accused of lacking knowledge of national security education
- Education Bureau says some schools fail to integrate national security elements into other subjects and highlights problems elsewhere

Education officials on Friday also hit out at some schools for not “fully referring to” an official national security event planning calendar to help arrange activities designed to boost a sense of patriotism among youngsters.
They added that failure to use the calendar meant that pupils’ understanding of important Chinese historical events and figures was not as good as it should be.
The claims came in the third group of Education Bureau review reports on schools released on Thursday, involving 44 schools.
According to the report on C.P.C. Yao Dao Primary School in Tin Shui Wai, middle management’s grasp of national security education was patchy and only a few subjects had elements of the subject included.
“Schools must strengthen middle management’s understanding of national security education so they can review the curriculum plan of each subject and select appropriate topics to ‘naturally connect’ the subject [national security education],” it said.