In a first, top DSE exam scorer picks Chinese University over University of Hong Kong
But city’s oldest university bags rest of top scorers on college entrance exam
For the first time, the only “super scholar” for the city’s college entrance exam this year snubbed the University of Hong Kong in favour of Chinese University, citing a unique collegiate system as the main pull factor.
But Hong Kong’s oldest university still proved popular among top scorers, with the remaining students who attained the highest level of 5** for seven subjects enrolling in its programmes.
Maggie Lam Li-man, the only pupil to attain the highest level of 5** in all seven subjects on this year’s Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examination as well as a 5** for the extended mathematics module, found out on Monday she had been admitted to the global physician-leadership stream of Chinese University’s bachelor’s of medicine and bachelor’s of surgery programme. Its focus is leadership development.
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“The unique college system is a crucial factor that made me keen to study [at Chinese University],” the Diocesan Girls’ School alumna said.
“Chinese University is a place filled with warmth and humanity, which I think will be a good grounding for cultivating humanistic care and help enhance my communication skills and equip me to become a better physician.”
Chinese University is a place filled with warmth and humanity, which I think will be a good grounding
But HKU bagged the other five students with 5** in seven subjects, with four admitted to HKU’s bachelor’s of medicine and bachelor’s of surgery programme and one to its bachelor’s of dental surgery course.