Just Saying | Trump’s America has become an unstoppable, out-of-control bully
- Yonden Lhatoo warns that the current regime running the US risks plunging the world into war with its hegemonistic belligerence in general and escalating provocation of China in particular

Listen to the screams of panic-stricken passengers, children’s voices among them, crying in terror and calling out prayers, as an Iranian airliner is intercepted and harassed by US warplanes over Syrian air space just the other day.
There’s nothing that Iran – already debilitated by US-led sanctions and ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic – can do about it, except complain to a United Nations that is powerless to confront the world’s biggest bully as it gets more belligerent.

This is the new world order as US President Donald Trump, facing the growing prospect of a drubbing in an election he is desperate to win at all costs, seeks to distract voters from blaming him for the social and economic carnage wrought by the pandemic and his own abject failure to contain it.
On the home front, his administration has sparked a potential constitutional crisis by sending federal forces to crack down on anti-racism protests in cities that don’t want that kind of interference upending the separation of powers between state and national governments.