#OneDayIWill: Malala Yousafzai and Jane Goodall featured in International Women’s Day Google doodle
Women take to Twitter to voice what they really want

Malala Yousafzai and Jane Goodall lead Google’s interview of 337 women and girls for their International Women’s Day doodle.
March 8 marks the global event aiming to celebrate and inspire women.
The search engine company travelled to 13 countries asking women to finish the sentence “One day I will…” Most film locations worked with a women-only crew to create a celebratory and encouraging environment.
Locations include San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Lagos, Moscow, Cairo, Berlin, London, Paris, Jakarta, Bangkok, New Delhi and Tokyo.
Renowned primatologist Goodall shared her aspirations to discuss the environment with the Pope. Nobel Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai and activist Muzoon Almellehan said to see every girl in school.