Rally calls for Leung Chun-ying to fulfil 15-year free-schooling pledge
Concern groups blast chief executive for failing to fulfil his election pledge to include kindergartens in free-education programme

Education concern groups across the political spectrum staged a rally yesterday, slamming Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying for failing to honour his election pledge to introduce free kindergarten education in his policy address last week.

The rally was organised by the pan-democratic Professional Teachers' Union and two Beijing-loyalist groups, Education Convergence and the Federation of Education Workers.
Police said that about 1,300 people turned up at the demonstration.
The three groups asked Leung to immediately launch a public consultation on a 15-year free-education scheme, which would include three years of kindergarten on top of the existing system that covers primary and secondary education.
"Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying included four pledges on kindergarten education in his platform for the 2012 election. He has delivered none of them so far," PTU president Dr Fung Wai-wah said.