Your quick guide to China’s political advisers’ plans on Hong Kong, Taiwan and religion
Work report addresses outreach to Taiwan, Hong Kong, ethnic minorities and religious groups
The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the mainland’s top political advisory body, started its annual meeting in Beijing on Friday. The following is the gist of its annual report on this year’s focus on outreach work related to Hong Kong, Taiwan, ethnic minorities and religious groups.
Hong Kong
Plans are in place to host events to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover to China.
The CPPCC reiterates its commitment to “one country, two systems”, under which the people of Hong Kong govern the region, and it enjoys a high degree of autonomy.
Young people from Hong Kong will visit the mainland on study trips.
Beijing upholds the 1992 consensus as the shared political foundation across the Taiwan Strait. The consensus refers to the agreement by the Communist and then Kuomintang administration that mainland China and Taiwan are part of one Chinese nation, but leaves room for each side to interpret the political context of that one China.
Institutional exchanges with delegates from local legislatures in Taiwan will be strengthened.
Mainland China opposes any separatist activities for Taiwan independence in any form.

Ethnic minorities and religious groups
The CPPCC will nurture younger religious leaders.