South China Sea: Chinese military says 3 Philippine aircraft expelled from Spratly Islands
China’s Southern Theatre Command releases video of earlier aerial encounter; US State Department says PLA was reckless in that incident

“On February 20, two Philippine C-208 aircraft and one N-22 aircraft illegally entered the airspace near China’s Nansha Islands [China’s name for the Spratlys],” said Senior Colonel Tian Junli, a spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army Southern Theatre Command, on Friday.
Tian added that the PLA “maintained full control of the situation, issued warnings, and drove the aircraft away”.
The C-208 is a modified aircraft equipped for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations, while the N-22 is a twin-turboprop, high-wing light utility aircraft.
The PLA also released a recording of the warning, delivered in both Chinese and English: “Philippine military N-22, you are endangering the security of the Chinese reef. Leave immediately and keep far off so as to avoid any misunderstanding.”
The Spratly Islands are a vast group of reefs, shoals, atolls and small islets in the South China Sea. Situated around midway between Vietnam and the Philippines, and north of insular Malaysia, they are claimed – wholly or in part – by several countries in the region.