China trains ‘special mission’ pilots for combat readiness on Fujian carrier: CCTV
Electromagnetic catapult system allows for heavier and more advanced aircraft, such as KJ-600 airborne early warning and control aircraft

The training was intended to ensure pilot preparation kept up with equipment deployment, with the aim of accelerating combat readiness, said a post on the CCTV military channel’s Weibo account.
“We hope to play a key and prominent role in the pilot training, especially in the development of carrier-based aircraft pilots,” Lin said.
The Fujian, the country’s most advanced carrier, finished its sixth sea trial in early January after its launch in June 2022.
Its cutting-edge electromagnetic catapult system allows for the launch of heavier and more advanced aircraft, such as the airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft KJ-600, and supports more frequent and rapid sorties.
It is expected the Fujian will also carry catapult capable J-15T fighter jets, the fifth-generation J-35 stealth fighter.