Thailand jails top protest leader Arnon Nampa for insulting monarchy: ‘a worthwhile personal sacrifice’
- Arnon Nampa was convicted under Thailand’s tough lèse-majesté law over a speech he made in Bangkok in 2020 at the height of the street demonstrations
- The human rights lawyer said he had no regrets about giving the speech. He is one of hundreds to be charged under the law, often referred to as ‘112’

Arnon was a leader of a youth-led democracy movement that held protests in Bangkok in 2020 that drew hundreds of thousands of people demanding the removal of royalist former prime minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who seized power in a coup.
Arnon was found guilty over remarks about the monarchy at a speech during a 2020 rally, in the first of 14 cases against him for violating article 112 of the criminal code, as the royal insults law is known.
“We are trying to get him bail,” lawyer Krisadang Nutcharus said, adding his team would lodge an appeal and if necessary, take the case to the Supreme Court.
Arnon, who has been on bail since early last year after several periods of detention, was not immediately taken to prison on Tuesday and remained at the court pending a bail request.