Meet Iris Apfel, the style icon who just turned 102: she’s signed to the same modelling agency as Gigi Hadid, inspired a show at the Met, has fashion collabs with H&M – and even has her own Barbie

- She just had her 102nd birthday, posting photos of the celebrations to her 3 million Instagram followers, and remains the oldest ever model signed to IMG – the same agency as Gigi Hadid
- With her signature round glasses, statement necklaces and red lipstick, her pure enjoyment of fashion has inspired collaborations with everyone from The Met and H&M to Mattel
She’s such an iconic figure that even if you don’t know her name, you’re almost certain to have come across her image.
With her giant round spectacles, signature red lipstick and statement necklaces layered over vintage jackets, Iris Apfel is the style icon none of us asked for, but all of us needed.

Bold, fearless and unapologetically herself, Apfel has inspired millions to be their most daring selves. She’s just celebrated her 102nd birthday – and looks as fabulous as ever. Here’s everything you need to know about New York’s most delightful geriatric starlet.
Iris Apfel grew up in New York’s “roaring 20s”
Born on August 29, 1921, Apfel came into the world the same year the Communist Party was founded in China, and Charlie Chaplin made his first feature length film in the US. She is the daughter of Russian Jewish parents from Queens, New York. Her mother ran a clothing boutique, while her father ran a glass and mirror business.