When the son of Macau casinos mogul Stanley Ho was killed in a road accident in Lisbon, Portugal
- Robert Ho and Suki Potier Ho, the son and daughter-in-law of Stanley Ho, died in a car crash in Lisbon in 1981, leaving their daughters, aged 3 and 6, orphans
- The bodies were flown to Hong Kong and a funeral service was held for them, which was attended by more than 800 people

“The son and daughter-in-law of Macau’s casino boss, Mr Stanley Ho, have been killed in a traffic accident in Lisbon,” reported the South China Morning Post on June 25, 1981.
“Reports received last night did not say how the fatal accident, which happened on Tuesday [June 23, 1981], had occurred. But they said that Mrs Ho was at the wheel at the time, with her husband sitting beside her.”
On June 29, the Post reported that a “service will be held tomorrow at the Hongkong Funeral Home for Mr Stanley Ho’s son and daughter-in-law […] The bodies […] were flown to Hongkong yesterday afternoon and are now reposing at the funeral parlour. In Macau, the Ho family will attend a memorial Mass at 5.30pm today.”

On July 5, the Post reported that Ho “donated $1 million to the Community Chest in memory of his son and daughter-in-law […] $40,000 given by friends and relatives at the couple’s funeral service on Tuesday was also passed on to the Chest.