Is he just not that into me? Young people in China turn to online psychics for answers via astrology apps
- Apps like Cece offering tarot reading, fortunetelling and astrology are part of an online mysticism market worth US$14 billion a year. Beijing is cracking down

“I’m a Pisces, I flirt with and date different guys at once,” 27-year-old Zhang tells me. “But I couldn’t stop thinking about this one particular guy, Wang, who I met last year.”
Despite the initial sparks, things did not quite converge – when he treated her like a princess, she saw him as a casual date, then when she wanted something more serious, he withdrew.
“Why did he stop texting me? Why did he give me the cold shoulder? Are we compatible? Is he seeing other girls?”

Zhang asks various live-streaming psychics on the app, but the answers are inconsistent. Some say, “He’s interested in you, and he’ll text you in two weeks,” while others deliver bad news via star charts, concluding, in Zhang’s words, that “he’s p****d at you because you f****d around too much”.
There are more judgmental readings, too, upsetting her further: “You’re not his type. He’s looking for someone submissive. You’re too proactive. As a girl, you should play hard to get.”