
Then & Now | Gay Games 2023: the cabal of bigots who stopped Hong Kong sending a message of diversity, tolerance and inclusion to the world

  • Hong Kong could have projected a positive, outward-looking vibe with its hosting of the Gay Games 2023. Instead, an anti-LGBT cabal declaimed against the event
  • In medieval England public nuisances could be silenced with a brank’s bridle, a device that forced the offender’s mouth shut and suppressed their tongue

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A scene from the Gay Games Hong Kong 2023 dragon boat races on the Shing Mun River in Sha Tin. Hong Kong missed an opportunity to promote its diversity, tolerance and inclusion because a minority of bigots railed against its hosting of the games. Photo: Jonathan Wong

Well, that’s finally over and done with. After several years of periodic fuss, fanfare and a pandemic-caused delay, the Gay Games have been and gone.

According to those who took part – and spectators – the event was an enjoyable success. Doubtless, some extra revenue flowed into the coffers of Hong Kong’s apparently beleaguered hotel industry, food-and-beverage outlets saw a welcome uptick in takings and various airlines scored a few additional bums on seats.

A sudden influx of visitors, flush with “pink dollar” disposable income, should have been welcomed; every little bit helps, after all, in these times when international tourists are thin on the ground. Right along the line, everyone benefited.

And guess what! Contrary to the dire prognostications of Hong Kong’s more vocal Chicken Littles, the sky did not fall in, either during the Games or in the weeks that have followed their controversy-free conclusion.

The opening ceremony of the XI Gay Games 2023 at Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Photo: Edmond So
The opening ceremony of the XI Gay Games 2023 at Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Photo: Edmond So

Neither has any further and measurable decline in local moral standards occurred – at least as far as this writer has been able to observe. Life has gone on – just as it had done before. Who’d have thought it?

Properly handled, Hong Kong’s hosting of the Gay Games – the first time this open-to-all series of sporting events has been held in Asia – should have offered the outside world a nod towards tolerance, inclusion and diversity.