Barely there: the ultralight camping gear that helps you go further faster
Don't let that bulky backpack ruin your camping trip. Packs, sleeping gear and other kit are lighter than ever. Here's your guide to shopping - and packing - wisely. Just don't buy it all.

Spending time in the great outdoors is all about getting back to nature, destressing and taking the load off your mind. However, many people take so much gear with them on overnight camping trips, hikes and walks that the physical bulk of their backpack can ruin the moment. Under the strain of bulging backpacks, super-sized sleeping bags and complicated cooking equipment, bodies become weary, and both limbs and feet can become sore; adventure is curtailed.
So embrace ultralight backpacking, which is focused on freedom and mobility. The lighter you travel, the more you can explore, and though it requires some discipline, there is a new generation of ultralight gear that can help you get further, faster.
The first step is to develop a streamlined list of the real essentials. Do you need that extra layer, that heavy book, or those headphones? Probably not. Scrutinise everything until you are left only with the things you will definitely need and none of the things you think you may want.

Begin with your backpack. Avoid a 90-litre monster and go for one that’s no more than 50 litres in capacity. The Gregory Z55 (HK$1,930, weighs only 1.39kg when empty, and the Osprey Kestrel 48 (HK$1,490, is 1.64kg.