How much should you eat before, during, after a workout? Expert advice on food and exercise
Nutrition experts on when to eat carbs before workouts, why you needn’t guzzle protein shakes after and why what you eat is most important

Some self-proclaimed exercise experts on social media swear that working out on an empty stomach burns more fat.
“The research shows that in terms of gains, it doesn’t really make much of a difference,” she says.
Does that mean you should load up on protein and carbs right before a workout? No, that is not true either. Here is a look at when – and how – you should eat before, after or even during a workout. And remember, experts say what you eat is more important than when you eat.

What is the case for eating before exercising?
The calories in food are energy, so you need them to fuel your body for a proper workout. Eating too much too soon beforehand, though, can be problematic.