Learning curve: what to do when heroes become zeroes
It was always easy to spot Ken Ho at school. From Years One to Three he often wore a soccer strip with the number 9 and Fernando Torres' last name on it.

It was always easy to spot Ken Ho at school. From Years One to Three he often wore a soccer strip with the number 9 and Fernando Torres' last name on it.
"When he joined Liverpool, Torres proved to be the hit all fans expected," Ken says. "He became the fastest player in the history of Liverpool to score 50 league goals. We, his fans, idolised him."
Teaching primarily in schools that do not require students to wear a formal uniform, I have been able to observe the associations students make through what they wear. Each September I see students in T-shirts featuring their tennis heroes from Wimbledon or the US Open.
Lance Armstrong's struggle with testicular cancer, his feat of winning seven consecutive Tour de France titles and dedication towards his charity Livestrong fuelled an enthusiasm that was evident in the yellow Livestrong wristbands that students wore. It made him a role model for my students at the time.
And throughout my teaching career I have used sports stars to motivate students. Early on I learned to stay abreast of the sports news. It gave me an "in" to start a conversation with my male students. Teaching involves connecting with students, and we build strong and successful relationships based on our own personalities and teaching styles.
So, to this day my lesson preparations include using my husband's interest in sports for lesson openers. Asking a student to change his seat, page or attitude, the way Formula One's Lewis Hamilton changed teams from McLaren to Mercedes or Van Persie moved from Arsenal to Manchester United, is extremely effective.
Even though families provide initial role models for children, Australian education researchers Lindsay Fitzclarence and Christopher Hickey suggest that other role models, especially in sport, have a strong influence on children. Another study led by Warren Payne from the University of Ballarat in Australia showed significant gender differences in the way athletes are viewed as role models, with males being more likely to identify with successful athletes or action stars because of their aggression, strength and ability to get things done. Girls preferred movie and pop stars because of their appearance and social behaviour.