Simu Liu on Last Breath, new drama about saturation divers, and being an Asian role model
Canadian actor, who stars with Woody Harrelson in film about a lost diver, tells the Post about underwater KFC pangs and making Asians proud

It has been a heady couple of years for actor Simu Liu.
Liuâs latest part is in the survival drama Last Breath, which is based on a real-life accident in 2012 in which diver Chris Lemons (played by Finn Cole) became trapped 100 metres below the surface of the North Sea.
When Lemonsâ connection to a surface support vessel was cut, he was left alone with a 10-minute supply of oxygen.
The movie, adapted by filmmaker Alex Parkinson from his 2019 documentary of the same name, recounts the daring effort to rescue him, with Woody Harrelson and Liu playing Lemonsâ partners, Duncan Allcock and David Yuasa.
To portray Yuasa, Liu had to take an intensive course in saturation diving. Workers repairing pipelines and cables on the ocean floor stay for weeks at a time in pressurised diving bells, breathing in a helium-heavy atmosphere.