Review | Love Suddenly movie review: Hong Kong ensemble romantic comedy starring Mirror’s Anson Kong fails to deliver on any of its interesting premises
- You’ll be longing for the end credits to roll long before the 93 minutes of Love Suddenly are up. The acting is flat and the story full of nonsensical scenes
- Love Suddenly follows four sets of lovers, including Anson Kong’s Chung, stuck in a jaded relationship with Zoe (Karena Ng) but co-writing a relationship blog

2/5 stars
Nobody, except perhaps intoxicated lovebirds on first dates on Valentine’s Day, should be expected to merrily sit through Love Suddenly, a Hong Kong ensemble romantic comedy so inadequately conceived and badly acted that it somehow makes 93 minutes feel. Like. Forever.
Following four pairs of lovers or would-be lovers who find themselves in various nonsensical situations conjured from embarrassing attempts at humour, the movie manages to be neither romantic nor funny, and waste the talents of its cast of emerging actors.
The cohabiting arrangement, which involves two others, is never explained. It’s just as well because the rest of this storyline, which sees Kong help Shirley infiltrate a seedy film shoot for her “research”, makes no sense either. Still, the duo are quirky enough for this to be a diverting watch.