Language Matters | Apateu may soon enter English lexicon thanks to APT, hit song by Rosé and Bruno Mars
Many Korean words have recently been added to English, and ‘apeteu’ may follow them now APT is a global hit with music fans

Silence enveloped South Korea a fortnight ago as half a million students sat the eight-hour national university entrance exam. During this time, to aid their concentration car honking is discouraged, construction work is paused, and even airliners are grounded; certain too-catchy tunes are forbidden to air too.
As all fans know well by now, “APT” stands for 아파트 “apateu” in Korean English, or Konglish, meaning “apartment”.

Most accounts have explained that the Korean English apateu came – clipped and restructured – from the English word “apartment”. Its complete route into the lexicon and the reasons for it are in fact more complex and interesting.