Kowloon Walled City brought back to life on Instagram using AI, in artworks that move beyond its lawless reputation
- Kowloon Walled City was a densely populated maze of tightly packed buildings in Hong Kong with a reputation for lawlessness, and even of danger for the unwary
- Immortalised in video games and the setting for a recent hit film, it has inspired Hong Kong artist Bianca Tse to reimagine it using AI on her Instagram account

A city of darkness; an anarchic enclave; a settlement rampant with drug dens, gambling parlours and brothels – these were common descriptions of Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.
Once considered the most densely populated place in the world, its tightly packed buildings were constructed on the former site of an imperial Chinese military fort, which refugees from the Chinese civil war adopted as a place to live following World War II.
Before long it grew into a miniature city, full of activity – some of it criminal. Among its residents were unlicensed dentists, metalworkers, food stall operators and missionaries.
Kowloon Walled City has always intrigued art director and digital creator Bianca Tse Wai-shan, which is why she launched an Instagram account called @walledcity_wildest_dreams filled with imaginative, AI-generated images that bring the enclave back to life.