Donald Trump’s ignorance, rage and White House dysfunction: authors discuss ‘A Very Stable Genius’
- The insider account of Donald Trump details his tantrums and insulting behaviour towards his staffers and national security team
- The authors, Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, talk about some of the stories recounted in the book

A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America, one of the latest insider-based accounts of the Trump White House, debuted at the top of The New York Times’ non-fiction bestseller list on its release this month.
In an interview, the authors spoke about the stories they recounted in the book of Trump’s stunning ignorance of world affairs, his frightening displays of rage, his flagrant insults toward cabinet members and military generals, and his administration, which is seemingly devoid of basic protocols.

Q: A Very Stable Genius tells of the time Trump meets Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the president tells him, “It’s not like you’ve got China on your border”. You wrote that a number of top White House officials were aghast at Trump’s ignorance. Why was this particular instance such an issue for them?
Leonnig: We did interviews with more than 200 former and current senior level officials, advisers, friends and aides to the president.