China’s yuan on the rise in oil trade, but petrodollar here to stay: report
Helped by digital yuan and advancements in financial tech, more yuan-backed transactions are taking place in crude settlement

The expansion of China’s digital yuan and financial technology are helping to boost yuan settlements in the crude trade and hastening the decline of the petrodollar, a report from a macroeconomic forecasting firm said – though a changing of the guard remains unlikely.
“The petrodollar’s decline in the Gulf isn’t a question of if, but when – and ‘when’ is coming faster than most realise,” said Diana Choyleva, chief economist at London-based Enodo Economics, citing “rapid changes in the technology of finance” in the report published Wednesday.
“While a petroyuan may gain ground, it is unlikely to fully supplant the petrodollar in the foreseeable future,” said the author, also a senior fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis.
These innovations “offer oil producers not only viable but potentially superior alternatives” to dollar-based settlement channels, Choyleva said, which carry a “particular vulnerability to disruption” from technological advances.