Penny’s Bay diary: evergreen survival tips, questions from readers and some of the serious issues around being cooped up in quarantine
- Be ready to distract yourself with books, movies and – if possible – work, but don’t hesitate to ask for counselling help if it all gets to be too much
- Our managing editor, meanwhile, tackles reader questions for the first time. And no, you cannot smoke by the window

Now into a fifth day in the close confines of Hong Kong’s government quarantine centre, and – cheeky columns about snacks and heart-covered bedsheets aside – there is a bitter reality we all face.
The impact of confinement can be significant in that uncertain space between your ears.
Some can no doubt shrug it off, but for others, getting through it requires some resolve, some routine and some distractions. In this instalment, and I’m no expert, I’ll share what I know or have done some research on.

First, on a serious note, if you are feeling distressed or depressed, contact the Penny’s Bay Quarantine Centre and the management can arrange counselling. The toll on mental health has been amplified by a pandemic that has lasted nearly two years, periodically locking us down, separating us from friends, families, colleagues and support networks. And all this time, a tiny pathogen has been stalking and trying to kill us.