Thanks for the good stories, and keep them coming: readers of the South China Morning Post reflect on its 120th anniversary
- Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee and other prominent readers of the Post share why they value its work

“I am pleased to congratulate the South China Morning Post on its 120th anniversary. We read the Post – I read it daily – for insights into every aspect of our lives: our governance and institutions, communities and families, careers and businesses, lifestyle and dining, sports and entertainment, too.
An award-winning media organisation, the Post boasts a vast array of multitalented employees, from print and digital journalists and editors, to photographers and videographers, together with production, social media, sales, special events and other personnel. It produces multimedia content for readers and audiences from Hong Kong, the mainland, the rest of Asia and around the globe. That regional news emphasis echoes the Hong Kong government’s commitment to expanding our business ties and people bonds throughout Asia and beyond.
The Post’s mission is to “lead the global conversation about China”. It is a worthy ambition, and an essential one, given Hong Kong’s unique strengths under “one country, two systems” – and our ever deepening connections both to the mainland and to the world at large. I count, too, on the newspaper’s acclaimed nose for news to seek out more good stories of Hong Kong and the mainland – the everyday chronicles of hope and promise, of finding a better way, of individual, social and economic progress. In all, I hope the Post amplifies its influence and inspires our next generation with its reports on the charm and prosperity of this part of the world.
And I know we can always count on the Post to put words into action. Its Spirit of Hong Kong Awards, of course, puts a cheering annual spotlight on our otherwise unsung heroes and their inspiring stories, and its Operation Santa Claus is community engagement at its finest. In short, the Post is an exemplary corporate citizen and a world-class news organisation. I look forward to its continued success in the next 120 years.”
– John Lee Ka-chiu, Chief Executive
“My warmest congratulations to the Post on its 120th anniversary! One of the most influential English media organisations in Hong Kong, the Post has been steadfastly engaged in reporting professionally and comprehensively – with effective use of both print and digital platforms – on the varied issues of the city, mainland China and beyond. I am confident that the Post, with its strong credibility, will continue to thrive for many years.”