Opinion | Is India doomed to chair the most impotent G20 in modern times?
- In the face of global crises, from a brewing nuclear arms race to recession and unrest, the G20 has been paralysed by rivalries and distracted by domestic challenges
- Can India, whose reputation is at stake, lead a rebirth or will the grouping crumble and be swept aside?

As India prepares to host the Group of 20 in September, it might be the “last supper” for the grouping. G20, the poster child of globalisation, is plagued by a myriad of crises – none of which it can solve. Or can it?
Short of the West ending support for Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin is unlikely to abandon the plan for nukes in Belarus. And, as long as the North Korean (and Chinese) threat exists, South Korea and Japan will want more deterrence.
So, the G20 can be a lame duck and do nothing as countries play “nuclear chess”. Or India can deliver an ultimatum: G20 nations will ban trade with any country fuelling nuclear proliferation (that is, stationing nukes outside their borders or sharing them). Does India have the guts to do this?