Opinion | US-China relations: new foreign minister Qin Gang offers some hope for calmer days ahead
- It’s unlikely that China’s policy will change much under Qin as he isn’t in a position to call the shots, but his appointment represents a welcome change of tone and hope of some reversal in an increasingly fraught relationship

Diplomats are tasked to perform for their countries, and sometimes it is not the hard delivery of policy under the spotlight but the soft public relations efforts on the sidelines that bear the most fruit. This was certainly the case during Qin’s tenure as China’s ambassador to the United States.
He didn’t achieve much in terms of improving bilateral relations as things haven’t been worse in quite some time, though it might be remarked that his affable, unruffled presence helped to slow down the rapidly descending spiral of decoupling and mutual disdain.
On the other hand, sometimes being snubbed can lead to looking for other ways in. To the extent that Qin got nowhere inside the Beltway, it was a boon to his subsequent efforts at state PR events and connecting with Americans in far-flung places across the country.