Shades Off | Hong Kong is testing public patience with even stricter Covid-19 rules
- I, like most Hongkongers, have dutifully been vaccinated, lined up for testing, and followed social distancing rules, no matter how confusing
- Compliance has been rewarded with ever stricter measures. How much longer can the government expect us to cooperate?

As far as model citizens go in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, I believe I have done a first-rate job. With the announcement of each vaccine roll-out, I have promptly got a jab. When I was recently notified there were cases in the building I live in, I was among the first in line for a test the following morning. If I’m asked to scan the QR code on my Leave Home Safe app or show my vaccination record, I have no qualms.
Still, as rules requiring proof of vaccination to shop and eat out take effect, nothing has changed when it comes to quarantining and travel. Regardless of whether we have symptoms, a positive test result means in-person isolation from others for weeks.
Honesty about testing positive leads to spending weeks away from loved ones, friends and work colleagues. Those we know or interact with have their lives disrupted or are inconvenienced. Even if we do not have symptoms, we will be treated as if we have a deadly disease.