Hong Kong must do whatever it takes to drive up Covid-19 vaccination rate
- Countries that are ahead in the race to herd immunity are reopening their economy and borders, and societies grappling with vaccine hesitancy, like Hong Kong, must step up efforts to catch up
- More information, incentives and an appeal to people’s sense of duty must all be tried

Last year, the world began its race to contain Covid-19. Despite the successful development of various vaccines, only a handful of countries appear to be ahead in the race.
Vaccination is important. Preventive measures such as the frequent washing of hands, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing play a role in containing the virus spread, but getting people vaccinated is most vital, according to the WHO.
Many scientists agree that the vaccination rate needed to induce herd immunity is around 70 per cent of the population. Vaccination greatly reduces the risk of infection, and having a significant proportion of the population vaccinated will also create herd immunity, a wall of defence against the virus that will help to impede its further spread and possible mutation.