
Opinion | Stripping British National (Overseas) passport holders of Hong Kong residency could spark another crisis

  • Given the large number of Hongkongers who hold a foreign passport, such a move could spark a mass exodus and create a crisis the SAR can ill afford
  • Regina Ip’s call for the national law disallowing dual citizenship to strictly apply in Hong Kong ignores the historical context

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The British flag flies in front of the British consulate in Admiralty. The British government’s offer to BN(O) passport holders of a pathway to UK citizenship has angered Beijing. Photo: Sam Tsang
The British immigration scheme for Hong Kong’s BN(O) passport holders is due to open for applications at the end of the month. The scheme offers Hongkongers with British National (Overseas) status a pathway to become British citizens.

BN(O) passport holders will be able to apply to move to the UK to live and work. After five years, they can then apply for permanent residency, and, after a year with that status, may apply for citizenship. In addition, the rules also allow family members of the BN(O) passport holder to apply, and they may move to the UK at different times.

The BN(O) scheme is more lenient than other immigration policies put in place for Hongkongers by other Western countries. Theoretically, around 3 million Hongkongers could benefit from the scheme. It is estimated that at least several hundred thousand Hongkongers will move to the UK through the BN(O) scheme in the next few years, bringing with them billions of dollars in capital.

Beijing has already threatened to retaliate against the UK move, and is reportedly considering banning BN(O) passport holders in Hong Kong from public office.


UK unveils details of citizenship offer for Hongkongers with BN(O) passport holders

UK unveils details of citizenship offer for Hongkongers with BN(O) passport holders

Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, a former secretary for security and current member of both the Legislative Council and Executive Council, also has some ideas.

She has suggested – before any official countermeasures are announced – that Beijing should consider revoking the Chinese nationality of all Hongkongers who acquire British nationality through the BN(O) scheme, and rescind their Hong Kong residency along with voting rights.