Opinion | Beijing should ask itself why BN(O) passport holders want to leave Hong Kong, rather than issuing threats
- Why does Beijing want to stop BN(O) passport holders from leaving anyway? They are likely to oppose the national security law and to have backed last year’s mass protests
- So why not let these so-called unpatriotic troublemakers go – or would that prove too embarrassing?

A threat is just that, unless it is followed through. Beijing’s threats are sometimes implicit, other times not. Australia and Sweden, among others, know its wrath. Canada and Britain are the latest targets.
Beijing’s threats often combine with the mantra that others must “correct their mistakes” and not “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”. My local friends jokingly use the Chinese expression “glass hearts” for people whose feelings are easily shattered. Mainland officials should explore new phraseology.
What puzzles me is how Britain has broken its promise when Beijing has declared more than once the Sino-British Joint Declaration is now an irrelevant historical document. By that same token, a pre-handover promise is now an irrelevant historical promise.

UK unveils details of citizenship offer for Hongkongers with BN(O) passport holders