Opinion | From Lil Pump to Dolce & Gabbana: China’s thin-skinned netizens need to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously
- Michael Chugani says huffing and puffing at every perceived slight only exposes their lack of self-confidence. Given that Chinese people themselves have been unapologetically peddling racist tropes, the double standard is grating
Lighten up, for goodness’ sake. Learn to laugh at yourself. That’s my advice to China’s army of netizens who get hysterical at every little thing they perceive as a slight against their race or country. Don’t they know it sends a global message that they have a chip on their shoulder?
People who are self-confident know how to take things in their stride. Only those who lack confidence in themselves cry racism even when none was intended. I have lost count of the times mainlanders have demanded apologies for everything from TV advertisements to rap music.
Lil Pump is ethnically Latino but frequently uses the “N” word in his songs, including in Butterfly Door, but African-Americans neither flew into a rage nor demanded an apology. They took no notice because that’s what rap is.