Why pop star Agnes Chan as Hong Kong’s education secretary would be a stroke of genius
Philip Yeung says the Unicef ambassador with degrees in child psychology and education is tailor-made to take charge of Hong Kong’s calcified public education system and free its schools of bureaucratic tunnel vision
I fail to understand this misplaced faith in over-testing. Haven’t 1,300 years of imperial examinations in China taught us anything about the evils of rote learning ? Those notorious exams sucked the brightest Chinese brains into the sterile study of literary classics. If we are serious about technological innovation, then unshackle students from exam-driven learning. What our system needs is a major overhaul, such as ending the hated Territory-wide System Assessment.
Revamped tests extended to all Hong Kong primary schools
Illustrious Hong Kong school founded by Jesuits should remain free to all, rich or poor
Common sense dictates that if a school excels, it deserves greater autonomy. But why must it charge fees? Tell me this is not impoverishing public education – creating two separate streams, one for those who can afford quality, and another for those who can’t. The direct subsidy scheme is an abomination, a naked social injustice that would not be tolerated in an open society. Hong Kong stands alone in its notoriety.