Democracy is the opiate of history’s losers, as Japan proves
Thorsten J. Pattberg says no people’s protests have ever succeeded in overturning foreign oppression, as shown by the long-running rallies in Okinawa against the US military presence
Notwithstanding the protests, the US is relocating 60 per cent of its war fleet to the Asia-Pacific region. In a way, we could even blame Japanese democracy for legitimising US militarisation. Let me explain.
This is true for all democratic rallies around the globe: They are mostly impotent.
Take the European Union, which is an authoritarian regime. The union’s leadership promotes its citizens to democratically protest against anything they please. That’s because such protests don’t mean a thing and challenge nobody. But, lo and behold, when the United Kingdom acted, and a majority of the British people actually voted to exit the EU, the EU turned fiendish: politicians, corporations and the media mafia engaged in a ruthless shame campaign, calling the British stupid, irresponsible and suicidal.
Referendums are democracy’s Achilles’ heel
As a general rule, if a greater power praises your country as a “democracy”, it means your country is vulnerable and doing exactly what is expected of it. Democracy disables a conquered nation by allowing thousands of factions, religious quacks, degenerates, dissidents and foreign agents to undermine and sabotage whatever your nation is trying to build. Your country can’t defend itself any more, has a million weak spots, and is thus prevented from unity.
Hence, all known so-called democracies – surprise, surprise – are former colonies, and now host US military bases.