Hong Kong must rid itself of a top-down mindset that alienates the workers – and leaders – of tomorrow
Po Chung says though our economy is no longer based on manufacturing, our leaders still have the command-and-control mindset that ensures production lines run efficiently, but is no good at inspiring our young
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However, as China became the factory for the world, Hong Kong lost its competitive edge and so evolved into one of the foremost financial and service industry hubs in the world. With this trend, we must focus on ensuring we change our leadership “manufacturing” mindsets too.
Lasting success in service and knowledge economies comes from doing the right things with the right heart, in addition to simply doing things right. Under this model, the leaders’ role is to inspire and engage their staff. This, in turn, motivates staff to give their best as they help others. A command-and-control style of management simply does not bring out the best in service people and does not make a team the most competitive.
One must consider the fact that, according to figures from the Census and Statistics Department for the third quarter of 2015, only 2.7 per cent of Hong Kong’s economy is manufacturing-based. By extension, then, practically all residents are and will be working in service-based employment, with much of it in professional and higher-value-added services.
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Moreover, consider that all goods are now wrapped in service. For example, according to a 2014 Fung Global Institute presentation, only a fraction of the cost of a loaf of bread is from the actual loaf, while 72 per cent of its cost goes into financing, administration, logistics, brand and marketing, wholesale, and retail services. Anyone can set up a bakery but it takes highly skilled service-minded companies to deliver the services needed to realise the product.