
Any carbon emissions deal in Paris is only a first step

Yoriko Kawaguchi, Shyam Saran and Erna Witoelar say the UN summit should enable more ambitious action to follow, as a lot more must be done to meet the governance challenges arising from climate change

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Members of Friends of the Earth demonstrate at the UN summit. Photo: AFP

With every passing year, humanity’s impact on the climate is ever more stark, and a growing number of global actors now recognise the need for immediate action.


The prospects of success at the climate summit in Paris have brightened, in particular as a result of important pledges on mitigation by major emitters such as the US and China. While these pledges still fall short of the scale of effort required, the summit should put in place a template that enables more ambitious climate action.

Adapting to its effects requires more than just an agreement on cutting emissions. It requires “just” global governance and implementation

We are convinced that such action requires constant attention to climate justice, as well as security, to support vulnerable populations. The Paris outcome should be seen as a first step.

Addressing climate change through the lens of “just security” is a recommendation of the new report, “Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance”, by the Commission on Global Security, Justice and Governance. Global responses to climate change should help the most vulnerable populations better adapt to its effects. Our recommended way forward is threefold: create more innovative climate governance, incorporate climate consciousness into the work of key global bodies, and encourage market-based incentives to reduce emissions.

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People arrive in Le Bourget, on the outskirts of Paris, for the UN climate change conference. States, non-state actors and global institutions can undertake reforms to complement the Paris outcome. Photo: AFP
People arrive in Le Bourget, on the outskirts of Paris, for the UN climate change conference. States, non-state actors and global institutions can undertake reforms to complement the Paris outcome. Photo: AFP
Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change are not solely dependent on “success” in Paris. States, non-state actors and global institutions can undertake reforms to complement the Paris outcome. Setting up a climate research registry to collect and coordinate data, for example, could accelerate scientific research.

READ MORE: How technological advances underpin hope for climate change adaptation
