Whether in public or in private, Britain was right to bring up human rights during Xi Jinping's state visit
Toh Han Shih welcomes the fact that the issues of democracy and rights were raised during Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain, given the huge investment flows coming from China

If Corbyn were to one day become prime minister, would he welcome the huge Chinese investments into the UK, as Cameron is doing?
When introducing Xi to the House of Commons on Tuesday, Bercow pointedly said: "We have had no fewer than four prominent daughters and sons of Asia in our Parliament in the past three years, starting with Aung Sang Suu Kyi of Burma, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, democracy champion and international symbol of the innate human right of freedom … In all matters, from international law to individual liberty, we should all aspire to be seen not merely as a powerful force in the world but as a moral inspiration to it."
Although Bercow's speech did not directly mention China's record on human rights and democracy, it is obvious that he was indirectly referring to it.