Jump in mainland visitors boosts price of gaming stocks
Investors push up prices of casino shares after 36pc more mainland visitors holiday in Macau

Macau gaming stocks typically rebound as the Lunar New Year approaches, in expectation of mainland visitors flocking to the city's casinos over the holiday period.
This year, visitor arrivals did not disappoint, and share prices duly went up.
On Wednesday, 114,500 mainland visitors were estimated to have arrived in Macau, according to data from the government's tourist office, up 36 per cent from last year.
The numbers are expected to continue rising for the rest of the week.
"We would not be surprised if Thursday's visitor arrivals are even higher," said Grant Goversten, a gaming analyst with Union Gaming Advisors.
Encouraged by the prospect of a surge in gaming revenues after the increased number of visitors, investors pushed the shares of casino operators higher yesterday.