A global study on walking made Hongkongers the most active in the world. Photo: Edmond So

It is silly season, when a goodly part of Hong Kong travels overseas. I have been no exception, and frequently check news from home through the South China Morning Post’s website. Most recently, I have not needed to – for we have made the global news.


The report that a global study on walking made Hongkongers the most active in the world was unbelievably good. Few of us would dream of not taking the lift or escalator. We prefer going to a mall and the cinema over the gratuitous pastimes of hiking or running. Nevertheless, that was a win for Hong Kong in an otherwise gloomy news flow.

Several times I was badgered in the pub by someone saying “Well, is Hong Kong going down the tubes then?” My reply was “do you know something I don’t?” – but nothing glib will dent first impressions.

Rumours of our decline are greatly exaggerated – but justified. A constant barrage of “warnings” from senior leaders during the 20th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereignty back to China was widely reported, culminating in the message from the very top that Hong Kong people fall in line or else.

The fate of Hong Kong is not a life-or-death issue to China but its continued prosperity is critical

The needless defenestration of four pro-democrats was a silly own goal – we will only get more pro-dems in the by-elections – but the global press reported it as a general clampdown on freedoms. China scored a big fat zero in its handling of the sickness of dissident Liu Xiaobo, which was followed in the global press like the death of royalty. Reports of growing financial regulation sparked enough fear to cause 500 small Chinese stocks to fall limit down, more than 10 per cent, this week on Black Monday.
