The View | Winners and losers in the hunt for Pokémon success
Google Maps, widely utilised by players, seen as big beneficiary, but Twitter and YouTube usage plunge more than 10pc in weeks after blockbuster’s release
Pokémon Go characters are everywhere, giving players of the augmented reality game the satisfaction of constant small victories.
But it might prove trickier to hunt down the corporate creatures that are raking in the most cash flows from the game’s smash success.
Nintendo, with its 32 per cent stake in The Pokémon Company, is the most obvious winner, but its shares have soared and some analysts believe they are now overvalued.
Morgan Stanley, for example, has an 18,000-yen (US$176.70) price target on Nintendo shares, compared to Friday’s closing price of 21,875 yen.
Besides its direct equity exposure, Nintendo will also soon begin selling related Pokémon hardware, and stands to benefit in other ways.
Indeed, some believe that Nintendo is downplaying the potential total benefits from the Pokémon craze. Why would Nintendo do this? Perhaps to engineer a future upside surprise in earnings.