Concrete Analysis | For Chinese contractors, Belt and Road Initiative rewards come with heightened risks in a changing world
- Chinese contractors snared almost a quarter of global construction revenue in 2018 as the Belt and Road Initiative took flight
- Their rise in global stage brings multiple risks across many projects and various jurisdictions
In the first half of 2019, they signed US$87 billion worth of contracts in these regions. They have also secured US$6.7 billion of energy, infrastructure and mining projects in Latin America, which only officially became part of the BRI in 2017.
Chinese contractors are now involved in many projects and jurisdictions. Most of them are in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and range from traditional infrastructure projects to real estate, technology, education and health care. As the BRI expands its reach, they also face a growing number of risks.
This gives rise to certain challenges. At the second Belt and Road Forum held in April 2019, participant nations emphasised the need for inclusivity, transparency and a sustainable approach to be adopted on BRI projects.