Vijay Shankar Balakrishnan

Vijay Shankar Balakrishnan

Vijay resigned from being a scientist to become a journalist. Since 2013, he has been covering all things science, health, environment and development for a variety of international outlets on a freelance basis. His works have appeared in the Lancet titles, WHO Bulletin, Knowable Magazine, SciDev.Net and New Scientist among others. Born and raised in India, his journey abroad opened his mind as did his interest in books, music and cooking. When not reading for work, he can be found devouring Haruki Murakami's books or the likes, playing music, or taking a stroll along the Rhine. Vijay lives with his scientist wife and their three-year-old son in Ludwigshafen, Germany.

The World Health Organization finally declared China malaria-free on June 30, marking the success of a control and, eventually, elimination programme dating back to 1956.

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