Tik Chi Yuen
Tik Chi Yuen
Dr Tik Chi Yuen is chairman of Third Side. A registered social worker who has served the community for more than 30 years, he has served as a Legislative Councillor and North District Board member. Over the years, he has been involved in a variety of public service roles, focusing on education, welfare, health care and community development policy.

A gradual roll-out and emphasis on accessibility and “smart mobility” can help the city smoothly introduce ride-hailing apps into its transport system.


The Education Bureau’s response to rising student suicides has been superficial at best. It must overhaul the system, starting with the homework policy. The government should also set up a student suicide prevention committee.


The government’s familiar excuses of political opposition and filibustering no longer apply now that Hong Kong has passed Article 23 legislation. It is time to turn talk of economic growth and new ideas into reality and improve the lives of residents whose trust in the city’s leadership has waned.


The marginalisation of student unions, political interference and lack of consultation over reforms has fed a feeling of shrinking academic freedom and autonomy in Hong Kong.

A record low voter turnout reflects a disconnect. For social reforms to succeed, communities must be engaged – the new district councils must make this their top task


The national security law and electoral overhaul will help maintain social stability, but cannot restore public trust in the government. This will require ensuring officials develop political acumen and are held responsible for mistakes, and that public opinion is taken into account.
