
Tanya Parmanand

I have a passion for reading and writing blogs on media. I have the ability to talk confidently to older people. I love to interview people especially who share the same interests as me, as it gives me a sense of understanding of why the individual is behaving in that certain way. I have leadership, time-management skills and organizational skills

On June 17, “Seams” – an annual charity fashion show – had students at the Australian International School walk the runway in the name of the underprivileged in developing countries.

This week, we asked our readers: if you could have one super-heightened sense, like sight, smell or hearing, what would you choose and why?

Art Central itself is not a new event in Hong Kong but there are always new things to see, so Young Post JRs went to check out this year's offerings.


Whether you're a fan of having the living daylights scared out of you or you'd rather just be a little startled, there's something in Hong Kong for Halloween you'll enjoy.

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