Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman is the elected district councillor for Southern District (Pok Fu Lam), the CEO of Designing Hong Kong, and a co-convenor of Save Our Country Parks. He has a master's degree in social science (economics) from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and a Master of Arts (transport policy and planning) from the University of Hong Kong. Designing Hong Kong is a non-profit organisation devoted to promoting liveable density. For more information: and

Hardly a bridge too far for Hong Kong to be inclusive of pedestrians and cyclists. With the Tsing Lung bridge likely to be the only chance to link Lantau and the New Territories for cyclists and pedestrians, the authorities must act now.


Hong Kong has plenty of coastline and a growing community of pleasure boaters and water sports enthusiasts, but it needs more infrastructure and organisation.


Under the proposed revamp, should appointed councillors be unpaid, like most government advisers? Stepping back from such questions, practical measures can be introduced to improve governance at the district level, to build better communities.

The soaring infection rate has made a return to zero cases impossible. Attempting it is costing the economy, yet to ‘let rip’ would endanger many more lives. The solution is a flexible Covid-19 policy that allows maximum freedom for the general population while protecting the vulnerable.


Research suggests that a rebate of 5 cents can get over 70 per cent of consumers to recycle. Anything higher will push up administrative and operational costs.


The government is consulting the public on the setting up of a Harbourfront Authority but both the digest and response form fail to address key concerns.

The exhausting distraction of constitutional and political arrangements continues to divert much energy from our senior leadership, and has done so ever since 1982.

Hong Kong's country parks are among our greatest treasures. Yet they are under development threat. And the "landlord", the Country and Marine Parks Authority, stands by silently.

The Hong Kong government has belatedly acknowledged the need for a fundamental review of policy and management issues relating to vessel berthing space. The review will explore solutions for better management of berthing spaces for local vessels and the challenges faced by the Marine Department.
