Martin Campion

Martin Campion

Martin Campion is the founder of Campion College Consultancy. With 20 years' experience in university guidance with the ESF, he has won awards from the Council of International Schools and Yale University.

The anxiety-ridden practice of predicting future grades could be avoided if tertiary institutes could assess students’ applications after final results are in

Although students are young adults by the time they go to university abroad, this will be the question in many parents’ minds long before they leave the parental nest and the relative safety of Hong Kong


Instead of going to university overseas, more international school students are mulling the idea of staying put in the SAR to get their degree. But they and their families have some important factors to weigh up in making this vital decision

Taking a look at the figures goes some way to explain this but doesn’t tell the whole story. From the student perspective, the fact that the Ivy League represents 0.2% of higher education institutions in the USA offers lessons for their research

The small summer gap between final school exams and university entry means that places are often ‘conditional’ on those results The small summer gap between final school exams and university entry means that places are often ‘conditional’ on those results