
Maggie Suen

I am Maggie and I love different forms of art, especially dancing, doodling and calligraphy. I am currently a journalism student in university, and reading news everyday becomes one of my daily routine as I like to keep myself updated of what's happening around my hometown.

When you think of street dance, you're probably not imagining a group of primary school kids, aged six to 12, popping and locking around Hong Kong.

Now better known for its shops and eateries, Tsuen Wan was an industrial hub in the 1960s. You can still see parts of the district's history - if you know where to look.

Lots of young Hongkongers have anxiety about death and what happens after it. But we don’t have to be so fearful about something which is just a part of life.


Microsoft’s U-turn to end its design programme Paint shows the power of nostalgia. A Paint expert tells us why he continues to use it to this day.

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