Joey Wang

Joey Wang

Joey Wang is a defence analyst in the United States.

Even though the Sars disaster demonstrated the need for greater openness, China has made the same mistakes in the current crisis while expecting a different outcome. Wuhan’s decision to suppress the bad news was particularly dire.


New Delhi wants to cut its trade deficit with China, gain access to its markets and lure manufacturers to set up in India. Beijing, meanwhile, wants India to join the RCEP free-trade agreement and use Huawei’s 5G technology, while being mindful of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor tensions.

The US should not take China’s talk of a ‘peaceful rise’ at face value, but must work with allies to move China towards international norms, rather than contain it.


Whatever measures the Trump White House deploys against China to enforce respect for intellectual property rights, it should not lose sight of the historical perspective of how nations develop. 


Patrick Mendis and Joey Wang say both sides should seek to return to the principles that brought mutual economic benefit. For Beijing, this means showing it truly seeks a peaceful rise, while Washington must ditch its cold-war mentality.