Emily Fishbein

Emily Fishbein

Emily is a freelance journalist, mostly focusing on Kachin State, Myanmar.

Hpakant, in Myanmar’s Kachin State, is the epicentre of a multibillion-dollar jade mining industry in which thousands risk their lives every day hoping to strike it big and earn their golden ticket out of poverty.

Lockdown measures have left many undocumented migrants trapped by debt, unable to work, feed themselves or find a way home. Some have paid the ultimate price.


Myanmar offered a three-month ceasefire to some ethnic armed organisations to jointly battle Covid-19. See pictures from one internally displaced person camp.

High internet penetration and poor digital literacy provide fertile ground for wild claims and misinformation in Myanmar. Heard the one about onions being an antidote?


Far from the front lines of the US-China trade war, the resource-rich Kachin is the scene of a familiar struggle for influence between the two superpowers.

Negative perceptions of mixed relationships are instilled in the Buddhist-majority country through schools and institutions. But for these three couples, love found a way.