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Edith Yeung

Edith Yeung

Edith Yeung is a general partner at Race Capital. She is a seed investor in over 80 startups and 3 unicorns. She founded FoundersHK to bridge Hong Kong startups with Silicon Valley investors and mentors during the pandemic, and produces the annual Hong Kong Internet Report.

Hong Kong needs to attract both experienced start-up investors and geeks passionate about technology. From tax incentives to a public relations push, the city must do more to make its start-up landscape attractive to seasoned investors, while nurturing an ecosystem that would attract tech enthusiasts.


Trump’s ban on Chinese apps is a cynical attempt to bolster his election campaign. Data security is a huge issue that needs to be tackled, but the US government is skipping the hard work of regulating technology platforms and truly holding them accountable.


People love to pit the United States and China against each other, but the two are on very different paths in terms of technological domination. Both countries can greatly benefit from each other's progress.
